
Saturday, December 18, 2004

Where is home?

I saw this on Iranian.com today:
New California Media (NCM), in collaboration with the California Council for the Humanities, is launching a contest to "Write a Letter Home" to a real or imagined relative about their life in California. The twelve best letters received statewide will win a $1000 cash prize each. Please send your "letters" to iranian.com [times@iranian.com]and we will forward to NCM. The winner will receive the full amount of the award. NCM will have them judged by a distinguished panel. The deadline is January 15."

This sounds like a good opportunity for getting paid to write creatively. I look forward to reading the $1000 letter. I wonder, however, what the organizers have in mind when they say "home." What to do with multiple homes?


The sidebar image is taken from Mahmoud Pakzad's "Old Tehran", Did Publishers, 1994. Thanks to Jahanshah Javid (www.iranian.com) for sharing it.

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